Artificial Intelligence or AI covers technologies that aim to emulate intelligent activities carried out by humans e.g. playing games, understanding speech, seeing and understanding images.

Counter-intuitively, it is often the stuff that is intuitive or easy for humans that is harder for machines to do.

Larry Tesler, an AI pioneer from Xerox gives his name to Tesler’s Theorem, defining AI as “whatever hasn’t been done yet” - a cynical take on the fact that the goal posts in AI are ever shifting.

AI is often used as a magical term by grifters who have either deliberately or naively misunderstood the capabilities of the technology. I am compiling a list of incidents where AI is Causing Chaos.

AI vs Machine Learning

Machine Learning is the most commonly known practice within AI. In fact it is often used synonymously with AI.

AI and LLMs

More recently AI is regularly conflated-with and used synonymously with llms which are a type of Machine Learning model that is particularly effective at Natural Language Processing.