Minimal Docker-Compose Example

    image: mongo
      - ./mongodb-data:/data/db
      - "27017:27017"

Local Management

In order to manage mongo instances you can use Mongo Shell for interacting with databases and the Mongo DB Tools package for management operations like dumping and restoring data.

Initialization with Docker

The above config creates a user in the admin DB which we can then use to set up more databases and users.

Creating a Database

To create a new database and user in MongoDB, you can use the following commands:

Create a new database and grant a new user permissions on it:

  1. Connect to the admin database using mongosh:
mongosh localhost:27017/admin -u root -p password
  1. Run use mynewdatabase to create a new db called mynewdatabase
  2. Now the local db variable will refer to the db you just created and we can create the user:
  user: "<new_user_name>",
  pwd: "<password>",
  roles: ["readWrite", "dbOwner"]