Model serving framework optimised for GPU and CPU environments.

Editing pbtxt

PBTXT is the protobuf text format. There is a vscode extension that can be used to provide syntax highlighting:

Name: Protobuf Text Format
Id: thesofakillers.vscode-pbtxt
Description: Protocol Buffer Text Format syntax highlighting for VS Code
Version: 0.0.4
Publisher: thesofakillers
VS Marketplace Link:

Instance Counts and GPU/CPU

We can set the number of instances of a model that we want to run:

instance_group [
    count: 1
    kind: KIND_CPU



For CPU execution we can enable OpenVINO acceleration

optimization { execution_accelerators {
  cpu_execution_accelerator : [ {
    name : "openvino"
  } ]


By default triton runs its prometheus metrics endpoint on port 8002 so you can do http://hostname:8002/metrics.

Triton Ensemble

In Triton an Ensemble doesn’t mean the same as an Ensemble Model. It is more akin to a classification pipeline

Building an Ensemble

RUN pip3 install transformers
  • docker build -t custom_triton .


Calling a Triton Model with Text


The key seems to be to tell numpy that the data is an np.object_:

import numpy as np
input_text = "We are a medical company that specialises in helping with prosthetic legs"
sector_labels = ['Healthcare', 'Software Hardware', 'Professional Services', 'Industry and Manufacturing']
input_array = np.array([input_text], dtype=np.object_)
labels = np.array([sector_labels], dtype=np.object_)

Then we pass the type of Bytes to th InferInput object for the dtype:

input = httpclient.InferInput("TEXT", input_array.shape, 'BYTES')
lbl = httpclient.InferInput("LABELS", labels.shape, 'BYTES')
r = client.infer("ensemble_model", inputs=[input, lbl])

Making Requests Over HTTPS and SSL Issues

Started getting errors saying:

ssl EOF in violation of protocol

This is an issue with the underlying HTTP client

pip install --upgrade geventhttpclient

Self-Signed Certificates

ssl and python

Adding Authentication to Triton Client

Use the BasicAuth plugin, pass in credentials

import tritonclient.http as httpclient
from tritonclient._auth import BasicAuth
from tritonclient.utils import InferenceServerException
auth_plugin = BasicAuth("<username>","<password>")
client = httpclient.InferenceServerClient('<url>', ssl=True)


Making Requests to Other Models Within Triton Python Model

We can batch up data and make requests to other models:

requests = []
for i in range(0, len(query_inputs), 4):
    batch_inputs = query_inputs[i:i+4]
    batch_labels = labels[i:i+4]
    # Tokenize the batch
    tokens: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = self.tokenizer(
            batch_inputs, batch_labels, return_tensors=TensorType.NUMPY, padding=True
    inputs = []
    for input_name in self.tokenizer.model_input_names:
        tensor_input = pb_utils.Tensor(input_name, tokens[input_name])
    inference_request = pb_utils.InferenceRequest(model_name='deberta',
                        preferred_memory = pb_utils.PreferredMemory(pb_utils.TRITONSERVER_MEMORY_CPU,0)).async_exec()
    requests.append( inference_request )
inf_responses = await asyncio.gather(*requests)

the pb_utils.PreferredMemory argument is used to ensure that the resulting tensor is on CPU and can be copied via the get_output_tensor_by_name.

pb_utils and InferenceResponse objects

Getting Data out of Response:

  for response in inf_responses:
      if response.has_error():
          e = response.error()
          print("Error", e.code(), e.message(), flush=True)
          raise Exception(e.message())
      print("Response", response, dir(response), flush=True)
      print("output dir", dir(response.output_tensors()))
      tensor_cpu = pb_utils.get_output_tensor_by_name(response, 'logits')

Model Stats

/v2/models/deberta/versions/1/stats provides model call statistics which are documented here